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July 27th, 2024
Posted on Feb 20

Drexel Plans New $97 Million Housing/Retail Project

Article From: articles.philly.com By: Susan Snyder Drexel University, in partnership with a Texas-based developer, has launched a $97 million student-housing and retail-development plan along Chestnut Street. Set between 32d and 33d Streets, the 19-story tower and two eight-story townhouse-style buildings will offer housing for 869 students and 11 storefronts, including an anchor restaurant and a...

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Posted on Jan 28

Real Estate Appraisers.. Don't Blame Them

Article from: www.Philly.com By: Alan J. Heavens Ask builders, real estate agents, or mortgage brokers why the housing market continues to occupy a basement apartment, and the wordappraisals comes up a lot. As in appraisals done by people unfamiliar with the neighborhood in which a house is located. And increased use by lenders of appraisals generated...

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Posted on Dec 20

Taxes Leave Philly Far Behind Other Cities In Collection

Article From: www.Philly.com By: Patrick Kerkstra Philadelphia runs the least-effective delinquent-property-tax collection system of the nation’s biggest cities, a system that has created a “culture of nonpayment” and cost the city and cash-strapped School District $472 million in unpaid real estate taxes, penalties, and interest. It is a delinquency epidemic that reaches from Chestnut Hill to...

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Posted on Dec 13

Real Estate Agents Are Small Businesses, Face Crisis

Article From: www.philly.com By: Alan J. Heavens Eight out of 10 real estate agents are independent contractors, not salaried or commissioned employees. Which means that a real estate agent can be “fairly described” as a small businessperson, said Walt Molony, spokesman for the National Association of Realtors. Or, in the view of the IRS, a 1099...

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Posted on Dec 06

School District Makes Interesting Pitch To Real Estate Agents

Article From: www.philly.com By: Adrienne Lu As a Chester County real estate agent for nine years, Sal Triolo has had families ask him all kinds of questions about schools. Parents often want to know which schools are strong academically. But some have more specific questions, such as which schools have good hockey teams or strong...

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Posted on Nov 29

More Than 500 Show Up To PHA's First Auction

Article From: www.philly.com By: Vernon Clark The ballroom at the Westin Hotel in Center City was abuzz Wednesday as the Philadelphia Housing Authority held its first auction of houses, lots, and other real estate. Amid the auctioneer’s rapid-fire cadence, more than 500 people – including real estate speculators and couples and individuals looking for starter...

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Posted on Nov 29

Philly Commercial Real Estate Broker In Non-Profits

Article From: www.philly.com By: Diane Mastrull Cathryn Coate most certainly is not a cheerleader for the commercial real estate business, describing it as “very competitive, very cutthroat, real nasty.” Her initial impressions of the industry’s brokers? “Sort of an oily salesman,” was one way she put it in an interview last week. Another was: “Manipulative.”...

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Posted on Nov 22

Beware Online Housing Scams On Craigslist

How can a high-tech scammer that is thousands of miles away be ripping you off right in your own neighborhood? It’s an age old scam, but now it’s more popular than ever. People are getting conned in this apartment scam because of thieves claiming to be renting an apartment that they don’t actually own. It’s...

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Posted on Nov 14

Residents Angry Over PHA Auctions, Bias Towards Investors

Article From nbc10.com By: Courtney Mimidis A development plan created by the Philadelphia Housing Authority to auction 400 properties in North Philadelphia on November 16 has left many residents upset.  The plan bundles up to 25 properties for purchase, making it easy for large investors to buy but difficult for neighborhood residents who want to buy just one...

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Posted on Nov 07

Q&A: Mortgage Rates Now Under 4%, Time To Refinance?

Article From: Philly.com By: Peter G. Miller QUESTION: With mortgage rates now below 4 percent, is now the right time to refinance my loan? ANSWER: In late September Freddie Mac said that weekly fixed rates for 30-year mortgages had reached 4.09 percent, while 5-year ARM start rates were at 3.02 percent. These rates are near...

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