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July 27th, 2024
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Posted on Nov 07 in Uncategorizedby PrintText Resizer Text Resizer

  •  A great way to save some money is to try to do small renovations by yourself. If you want to try to put new tile in your bathroom, or paint a room, make sure you have all the appropriate tools, and know how to do the project correctly.
  • When selling your home, if you previously had any pets, be sure to scour your house to see if there are any scratched up stair posts, walls, or any lingering pet smells. Make sure to fix all of these damages before presenting your home to buyers.
  • Banks are not interested in selling homes. That’s why they often sell their REO’s (bank owned properties) at a significantly lower price than the market value, so that they can get rid of them quickly.
  • Typically you will pay a little less for a foreclosure home, if you purchase it right when it forecloses. Try not to wait until after the bank or mortgage company has finished processing it.
  • Be pro-active. Make sure you’re giving it all you’ve got. The more enthusiasm and effort you’re giving will become apparent to all those around you.
  •  When looking for a buyer, try to look for only pre-approved buyers. As a seller, you don’t know the character or how reliable the buyer is. But by only looking for pre-approved buyers, you can count on the fact that they are financially responsible.
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